Our Services
Pond Construction Permitting
Section 404 Clean Water Act Permitting
Dock and Seawall Permitting
Shoreline Restoration Plans
Our Markets

Individuals and Home Owners

Private individuals can often feel overwhelmed by the strange and unfamiliar jargon and universe of environmental regulation, and that their questions and concerns are so small that they get overlooked in the world of big projects and big developers. Whether it’s a concern about how a project on a nearby piece of property is impacting their own life and property, or whether they have a small project of their own they would like to do on their property but don’t know what if any environmental regulations will apply, and what that will cost, Riverbend Environmental, Inc. puts people first. No client is too small, and every question deserves a good
answer. Contact us for a free consultation and we’ll use our knowledge and expertise to help with any situation we can.

Our Services

Individual and Home Owner Services

Section 404 Clean Water Act Permitting
Pond Construction Permitting
Shoreline Restoration Plans
Dock and Seawall Construction Permitting