The value of any piece of property includes what that property can ultimately be used for, and two, are there any liabilities associated with owning that property. Environmental regulations involve many different things and are complex. Before purchasing a piece of property, potential buyers should know things like is there a recognized environmental condition (REC) on this property that will require expensive cleanup and remediation? What is the environmental history of the surrounding area and how might that come to influence the future value of my property? These questions and more make an environmental assessment of a piece of property just as important of due diligence as its location, topography, etc.
Riverbend Environmental, Inc. has performed many Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments as well as wetland delineations and state waters determinations to answer exactly these types of questions and more. If you are involved in commercial real estate, let us assist you with your projects.
2AEYER2 Construction of a Commercial Building in Stone Mountain, Georgia