There are countless types of industries, and each one is likely subject to its own complicated set of environmental laws and permits while trying to remain viable by keeping costs down and profits high.
One area of environmental regulation that affects many different industries though is the NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit (GAR050000). Not all industrial facilities discharge industrial stormwater and consequently require coverage. Some facilities may be able to certify that no industrial activities at their facility are exposed to stormwater and therefore significantly reduced their compliance burden and cost.
For others, every year brings required inspections and stormwater discharge sampling to demonstrate compliance. Or perhaps business is booming and it’s time to expand your facility. Land disturbing activity greater than one acre generally requires both local and state soil and erosion permitting before construction can begin, as well as preconstruction ecological services to identify any protected features such as wetlands and buffered state waters. The cost of noncompliance can be high, both in terms of penalties and stop work orders, but also having to completely redesign a project due to failure to properly assess any protected features and either design around them up front, or obtain a variance.
Riverbend Environmental, Inc. has decades of experience helping all types of clients, including industrial facility, stay in compliance with environmental rules and regulations in a cost-effective manner.